Watching the Fun is een gedicht uit het periodiek Votes for Women.
Het gedicht werd in 1909 geschreven door een vrouw met de mysterieuze naam "M.A. Page".
In Votes for Women zijn gedichten te vinden die gelinkt worden aan de suffragettebeweging.
Suffragette is een Engelse term die staat voor iemand (een man of een vrouw) die strijdt voor de vrouwenrechten, met name voor het vrouwenkiesrecht. De officiële naam van deze organisatie was de Sociale en Politieke Vrouwenunie (WSPU), die in 1903 werd opgericht.
Votes for Women was een nieuwskrant die werd geassocieerd met de suffragettebeweging in het Verenigd Koninkrijk.
Lees hier het getranscribeerde gedicht Watching the Fun
From behind police protection the Members watched the fun! – Daily Paper
When a score, of so, of women, armed with their sex’s cause,
Went (without police protection) to the makers of our laws,
To ask that right and equity and justice should be bone,
From behind police protection the Members watched the fun!
Have these gentleman (?) forgotten the deeds so true and brave,
Done by women in past times their fellow-men to save?
Did they think of Florence Nightingale, to mention only one
When behind police protection the Members watched the fun?
When they think of all the sport they’ve missed, living in
this milder age,
I’m sure they swear and stamp their foot and gnash their teeth
with rage,
Had they lived when Joan of Arc was burnt, no doubt they would
have run
Behind police protection, and have stood and watched the fun
They might have seen Jane Grey, so wise, and Mary, Scotland’s
Lose their heads upon the block, grand times those must have been!
They might have seen Hypatia, torn to pieces by the mob –
O! The fun they’ve missed and the sport they’ve lost! It almost
makes one sob!
Could the Suffragettes be burnt alive, in say, Trafalgar Square,
And Parliament had an “evening off” so that Members could
be there
I’m sure the thing quite thoroughly and properly could be done,
And behind police protection they could stand and watch the fun.
Now each gentleman (?) had a mother, wo, if she’s living still,
Must glow with admiration, and with pride her heart must thrill,
When she reads how brave and chivalrous, was the behaviour
of her son,
When behind police protection, he stood and watched the fun.
M.A. Page